
Friday, October 26, 2012

Ultimate Pokemon Trainer.. And Love?

Our story starts off with our trio reuniting after years..

      Ash has been on a journey to be the very best, that no one ever was. He was only ten at the time this obsessing of his had started. More than seven years had past since his first adventure has started with his trust all put into his electric mouse friend, Pikachu.

      This feeling was so very surreal. He was sort of scared from the amazing rush of joy he felt in his body. He shook from the excitment rushing through his body. All his friends were in the crowd cheering on "GO ASH! GO!!" He had truly won the title of Ultimate Pokemon Trainer. 

       His heart beat hard and faster than ever before. No just because of his great achievement, but he as well as his monther, Delia Ketchum, both knew why today would be more special than anyone expected. He was about to confess his seven years of unprofessed love to the spitfire redhead he secretly loved so dearly. Her water like eyes made his knees weak, but when they looked at him that very moment, he had though he really had died. She sqeezed his body with the love she had for his victory.

      His mother kissed his cheek. While the two men he looked up to this whole time, were waiting behind her. Professor Oak lovingly patted his back. When it came to Brock, he has a huge smirk across his face. He embraced his best friend with the gigantic bear hug.

    The reporters invelped his friends and him.

     "MR. KETCHUM! Bobby Timmis, from the World Wide Pokemon Fan Club. Are you going to propose to your girlfriend after this HUGE win?" a balding man with a horrid combover and and a news achor voice asked him.  Ash felt the heat rising to his face and his heart beat speed as he heard this question in his ears. He was a little breatheless asking "Wh-what girfriend?" The reporters seemed a little lost when he answered. A blonde slim built women reporter answered "The one you've been holding hands since you won." The man who has ask the question then said too loudly "His face is bright red now." The crowd laughed. Ash's hand shrunk away from Misty's and confessed to thee "We're not together.." A small awkward silence fell across the crowd.

     The reporters laughed as Ash finished answering the questions. This went on for hours. One by one, his friends and family left to get their rest, all except Misty.

      They were finally alone in the confrence room. "Misty, when I first met you, you said you' never fall in love. I don't wanna break your heart, so give your heart a break.." he cooed into her ear wrapping his masculine arms aroung his waist. She felt slightly dizzy from what he had just said, in a daze asking "Ash?.." He contined the way he had started to tell her. "On Sunday, you went home, along. There were tears in your eyes. Dawn had asked me out infront of you. I called up your cellphone with my love, but you did not reply. I wanted to say I..I....Misty, why are you crying?" His concern for her when tears came down, but she burst into laughter. "I just HIC! thought you would ne-e-ve-r say ya-you loved me." She sobbed softly into his chest.

"You know?" he asked shocked. "No. You dummy. But you just told me" he squeled a bit annoyed. The tomboy mermaid wiped away the tears that had been leaking out of her eyes. Before she could finish, he pressed a featherlight  touch of his plush lips on her slightly chapped lips. They had both waited long enough to feel this connection of burning passion of love in some other way than their constant teasing one another all these years. He folded her in his  arms with more powerful and wishful kisses than ever.

       They finally pulled apart from their first kiss for Ash to be even more red that expected. "I have one more thing to tell you.." he spoke nervously and slowly. He released a huge sigh before he spoke again without a pause "WE'VEBEENBESTFRIENDSFOEVERANDI'VELOVEDYOUHOPINGYOUFEELTHESAMESOIBOUGHYOUARINGTOASK..." He took another breathe, to only be stopped by Misty laughing at him. Why? "You really are dence aren't you?" He was confused by her comment, "What?" She kissed him again and spoke higher than a whisper into his ear,"Ofcourse I'll marry you, but we're only 17."

        He had it all thought out."Next month, I turn 18 and we can ask your sisters for permission. If they don't give it to us, we can elope. It's a bit much, but it'll work. I have one last question though." He had paused for a bit too long, making Misty worry. Ash sucked up a bit of air to finially ask the question "Will you sleep beside me tonight?"  She bit her lip nervously, inhaling to answer "Okay, but only because you did propose." She looked so fragile in that very moment brushing away her long bangs out of her face.

        (Late in the evening)

        "Pi pi pika?" Pikachu asked about proposal. "Yeah buddy, she'll be sleeping here tonight.. with me." Pikachu danced at the sucess his master had done all in one day, chanting on his way to the pokemon suite.

         A light knock came from the other side of the door. Ash knew, he knew it was his love. "COME INNN~!!" he hollared from the bed in the direction of the door. She was blushing with her hair firey red and down at the moment, she came in the clothes she has been in all day.

       The yellow cropped tank top, loose jean shorts and her signature red suspenders. His heart was racing once again, for today was a risk taking day. The next question was not asked by words, but asked by actions. She answered by accepting when he peeled the layers off. Asher stared at her pale skin and aquamarine eyes, she did not feel naked, but she felt fully clothed by his love. Ash pushed the stray hairs behind her ears. Kissing away her fears of the pain she was about to feel, he paused this to tell her "Misty, you've made my Caterpie evole into a Metapod. I'd love to make you mine in more than one way tonight."

         (Two Months Later)

          Two months had past since Ash had proposed to Misty and celebrations had been called for the engagement. May was sitting next to Misty, holding his danty hand in her own, staring at the beautiful engagment ring. The rock, it sparkled the same aquamaine as Misty's eyes. May hand went on and on about how she wish Drew would ask soon, but he wanted to wait a little bit long. Only to stop and talk about how she wanted her own engagment ring to look like. "I want one the colour of Drew's honeydrew eyes and his silky hair. OH! Shaped like a square with a gold band holding it." May giggled as she drowned on and on about how lucky Misty was. She truly agreed with May.

          Oak Senoir and Delia had already known for quite a while, although they could see Misty had a glow to her face for the past month. They knew they has spent every night together since he had won.

          Misty sat down and looked around the room at all the love that has blossomed since Ash, Brock and herself had started their adventure. Brock himself had married Palet town's Officer Jenny with their second child on the way. Jessie and James had become their friends after team rocket had a change in heart about what their goal was. Sabrina and Erika happily together, forever after so much enuendo. After Dawn had asked out Ash and he rejected her, he had hooked her up with Gary. Tracey and Misty's sister, Daisy had been living together for years still not ready for "marriage". Cilan unexpectedly with Iris. Everyone had someone to love them, to hold them.

         The other couples looked back with smiles in their eyes because they all knew. Iris got up to congratulate them, but had been drinknig a bit too much. She was gitty and said loudly "Congrats on the baby on the way!"

          Everyone cheered at her drunken mistake. With all the loud cheering it sounded like they "Lasty" with both their names being yelled out. A smile creeped out from Misty's face for her to whisper to Ash "I think I like that name, Elasty." Misty said as Ash places his hand on her stomach.

Side Note: For those who have read this. I hope you've liked my very first facfic. I had made it for my friend "Janchu", and though, "HEY, WHAT THE HELL! Why not publish this?"

I had a few typing errors due to the speed of me copying it off of the paper I had original wrote the story on.

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