
Friday, February 1, 2013

The beginning

Today was the first day Ash and Misty would send off their daughter for an adventure of their own. Ash and Misty once again had been bickering about what she should take, what to leave.

Brown eyes, black hair, tanned skin of her father. The same brown eyes Ash looked into of his mother's eyes the first day of his adventure. Spitfire and aggressive like her beloved mother, Misty. She had been of age to go on her own adventure for a while. She had her own Pokemon since she was born. A pikachu, with fur that was shaped like hair, one that was trained to speak english by ex-team rocket member, meowth.

She slung her backpack lazily on one shoulder, hunching her back slightly waiting for her other human companion to come. Her pikachu laid in her lap cuddling into her cardigan. She had the weird Pokemon ever, it had so many human traits. All the more she loved her. Glasses and all. Misty had finally won the fight the two love birds were having. At the age of sixteen, she was finally leaving. She had learned from Professor Oak to make sure she'd be successful. Her journey was for a dream she had. Different from her father's, different for what her mother was given.

Misty stood in the door was to say goodbye to her only child. Her eyes leaked tears of pure joy. Ash rapped his lovingly arms around her waist, planning a peck on the nape of her neck.

She looked up from her chubby pikachu, to only have seen Ash's original electric mouse friend. It was pikachu's child take to occupy her on her adventure.
"Pika Pii Pii Pika!" Pikachu told his daughter, Janchu. She flailed on her owner's lap, trying to get up. She laughed poking her pudgy tummy, as her pikachu rolled off her lap from shock. Pikachu held his beloved daughter knowing she'd do an amazing job.

Misty and Ash walked to their daughter to give her something from one of their original adventures together. Each of them sat of both sides of her. "We want to give you something. Something that would be important for your journey." Ash spoke fondly of the gift. Misty placed it in her hand as she softly told her "We had received it after we has met jirachi. It ha landed in the derby around him."

She opened her palm up as her mother removed her own hands. Her eyes stared in amazement. Smaller than a star piece, bright as a diamond, rainbows sparkled as the light hit it on it's necklace. It was beautiful. It was from a legendary, what she wanted out of her adventure."Thank you" she said so softly it was barely heard. Her parents smiling, of what waits ahead for their darling child.

They all heard a knock from the from door, as Ash gave a quick hug and speedily walked towards the front door. Her heart picked up the pulse, as the excitement filled every limb in her body.

Her father walked in with a familiar face she had known all her life. Uncle Brock's son, Bunk. They were the spilling image of each other Misty thought as she looked at him once more before they left. This scene was so similar to the one they remember many years ago.

Pikachu in tears, crying into Ash's blue cargo pants. Misty leaning on to Ash as they smiled in the doorway out of their house. One last embrace from her family before she left to capture what she was after, legendaries.

With the biggest grin, they all let go, not knowing what lay ahead in her journey. This was sometime they knew about, felt, and lived. Wiping her tears away, a smile again appeared from her coral lips.

She walked to stand beside Bunk and Janchu, her faithful friends, her lovely companions. She looked back at her parents as they started to walk, only to scream out "I LOOOVVEE YOUU!" To her parents. They smiled back at her, calling back "We love you too, Elasty!"

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